Monday, April 1, 2013


I've been thinking that it'd be cool to piece together as much of the Pythian Prophecy as I can, primarily out of curiosity. Is it solely about how to get to Earth or is there a creation story? Are there any similarities to our religious texts? 

I've been getting my info (so far) from here. It seems to be the most reliable/verified info out there :)

Time- the reference point is series date. Ex: 2,000 years ago would be ~2,000 years before the destruction of the 12 colonies, (not the year 13, our time) it would be 152,000 years ago haha


  1. Written by Pythia, ~3,600 years ago, on the exile and rebirth of the human race.
  2. It's a repeated cycle in human history. (However, 150,000 years after the finale [present day], Head Six and Head Baltar believe the cycle may be broken.)
  3. A leader dying of a wasting disease would lead the caravan of stars to a new homeland/promised land.
  4. The leader would not live to enter the homeland, although Laura Roslin does see Earth.
  5. The lower demon helped the people in a crisis.
  6. It is believed that the story happens over and over and the "characters" are reincarnated for each "re-edition." (At least, that's what I'm getting from the Cylon flashbacks and a couple things Roslin said.)
  7. At the Gates of Hera a god ("your god" Sharon speaking to humans) stood and watched Athena "throw herself" off a cliff and onto the rocks below. Her temple is up near the top of the cliff.
  8. Kobol points the way to Earth.
  9. >Roslin says "According to the scriptures, if we had the arrow of Apollo we could take it down to Kobol and we could use it to open the tomb of Athena and find our way to Earth."
  10. Kobol is the birthplace of man, where man and god lived together in paradise until the exodus. (Seems akin to the Garden of Eden.)
  11. The exodus occurred around 2,000 years ago.
  12. When the 13th tribe landed on Earth they "looked up and saw their brothers." (The zodiac- Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, ect.)
  13. The Book/Scrolls of Pythia either contain or are identical to the Pythian Prophecy.
  14. The Pythian Prophecy was written 1,600 years before the destruction of the 12 colonies and centers on the exodus of the 13th tribe. According to battlestarwiki "The text apparently contains a detailed narrative of the events of the Exodus, and continues to be interpreted as a source of prophecy 2,000 years after its prophecies have (apparently) already been fulfilled."
  15. The dying leader shall know the truth of the Opera House...

  1. All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.
  2. And the lords anointed a leader to guide the Caravan of the Heavens to their new homeland.

  • And unto the leader they gave a vision of serpents numbering two and ten, as a sign of things to come.
  • Led by serpents numbering two and ten... (fragment) 
  • Though the outcome favored the few, it led to a confrontation at the home of the gods.
  • And the blaze pursued them, and the people of Kobol had a choice. To board the great ship, or take the high road through the rocky ridge. (continuing) And the body of each tribe's leader was offered to the gods in the tomb of Athena.

    1. (Sharon and Elosha add "And the great ship was the galleon that departed from here, where we're standing. And it took the founders of the thirteen colonies to their destiny. And those that didn't board the galleon took the high road, a rocky ridge that lead to the tomb. The path is supposed to be marked by gravestones.")

  • And the Arrow of Apollo will open the Tomb of Athena.
  • And Zeus warned the leaders of the twelve tribes that any return to Kobol would exact a price in blood.
  • Pythia talks about the flood ... wiped out most of humanity ... nobody blames the flood ... flood is a force of nature ... through flood, mankind is rejuvinated, born again ...
  • Life here began out there. (the first words)
  • Their enemies will divide them. Their colonies broken in the fiery chasm of space. Their shining days renounced by a multitude of dark sacrifices. Yet still they will remain always together.
  • The gods shall lift those who lift each other./The gods lift up those who lift each other./The gods help those who help themselves.

  • Known Metaphors
    1. The dying leader is Laura Roslin.
    2. The serpents numbering two and ten are the Vipers in the battle for the tylium asteroid and at another point, the snakes Laura Roslin sees on her podium.
    3. The Lower Demon is Athena.
    4. The fleet is the Caravan of Stars/ Caravan of the Heavens.
    5. The "price in blood" apparently means someone dies whenever a group lands on Kobol. Crashdown and Elosha were both killed on Kobol.
    6. The jealous god is Cavil.
    7. "Offering of the bodies of the leaders of the twelve tribes to the gods" is when the Final Five offered to help the Cylon Centurions make humanoid models.
    8. Galactica is the Opera House.

    A Grand Total Of Eleven Sentences

    According to some mythology, we are all half of a person. Our other half was lost to us at birth and hidden somewhere on this lonely planet. We spend our lives looking for this other half, this soulmate, so that we can finally become one whole being.
    I knew she was my half the first time I saw her. She was more than beautiful. She was perfect in every way. She was everything I wanted and all I needed.
    All I have left of her is a faded photo. It's creased and battered, but I can still see her face. She's smiling at me and I smile back. I'll see her quite soon.

    .....I wrote this quite a while back and now have no idea where I was going, so I'm going to leave it as is and if the idea comes back I'll finish.