Words with an astrick (*) are words I've made up for my own usage in fanfictions. The rest are legitimate from Tamora Pierce's Street Magic.
Amir- prince, ruler of Chammus
Belbun- four-legged rat
Bindi- paint, metal, or jewel placed between the eyebrows
Bunjingi- miniature tree in which the trunk is long, with a few branches balanced at the upper end
Cham- large sum in Chammur; silver equals twenty copper davs; gold equals twenty siver chams
*Dalaga- girl
Dav- copper is the smallest coin in Chammur; silver dav equals three copper davs
Doa- daughter of (noble house only)
Doen- son of (noble house only)
Eknub- foreigner
Hammam- bathhouse
Hedax- rank similar to lieutenant
Mutabir- head of law enforcement and courts in Chammur
Pahan- teacher, mage
Shakkan- miniature tree form like and elongated S pointing to right of viewer
Souk- market
Takamer/Takameri- rich person
*Tao/Tae- sir/ma'am
Tesku- leader of a street gang
Thukdak- slang for street rat
Zernamus- parasite like a tick, one that survives by living off the rich
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